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Reading: Poetry

Online Sources



            Today's Snack: Since we're exploring a LINK about poetry, why not brown two or three breakfast sausage links in a small skillet? Slice in half lengthwise, place on a toasted English muffin, top with a fried egg and maybe a slice of cheese, pass under the broiler for a few seconds, and voila! Glorified Links that make a hearty, delicious snack.






Go online to this link:




            Often, the only thing holding you back from reading poetry is that you don't know where to find it.


            What could be easier than online?


            Take a look at the poetry in this listing, choose a poem, print it out, and read it aloud. If you're really ambitious, you could memorize it, and say it to someone special.


            You can use a search engine to find many more examples of classic children's verse and make a collection of some of your favorites.



            By Susan Darst Williams www.AfterSchoolTreats.com Reading © 2010


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