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Reading: Tutoring

Reading Report Form


Today's Snack: Put a handful of unwrapped caramels into a small bowl, and microwave on high for one minute, 'til melted. Core an apple and cut it into eight slices. Dip each slice in the melted caramel. If you have hot apple cider to go with this . . . yum!




Today's Supplies:

Print out this form for tutors to review during training,

and have them email an electronic copy after each session to

the tutoring program's volunteer coordinator





Student: ___________________________________________


Tutor: _____________________________________________


Date + Time: _______________________________________



Shared Reading (5 minutes)


Title + Author: _____________________________________________________


Comments: _______________________________________________________



Classroom Chunk (5 minutes)


Textbook + Page #: _________________________________________________


Comments: _______________________________________________________



Spelling Deck (5 minutes)


Word Cards Made: _________________________________________________


Comments: _______________________________________________________



Writing Notebook (5 minutes)


Writing Activity Selected: ___________________________________________



Challenge Reading (5 minutes)


Title + Author: _____________________________________________________


Comments: _______________________________________________________



A Star and a Wish (5 minutes)


Praise/Suggestion for Student: ________________________________________


Praise/Suggestion for Tutor: __________________________________________


            By Susan Darst Williams www.AfterSchoolTreats.com Reading © 2010




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