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Reading Ages 7-14

Grade-Level Estimation Tool


            Today's Snack: Make a yogurt parfait with several "levels" of goodness. Place one level tablespoon of granola cereal in the bottom of your container (see-through is best!), followed by a few blobs of flavored yogurt, a handful of chopped-fruit, some more yogurt, and top with some more granola. Working your way down the different colors, textures and tastes of the different levels is snacking fun at its . . . level best!




Do this with a parent or a friend; need online access (see below)


Here's an online tool that might help you estimate your reading grade-level.


That way, when you talk to a school librarian, public librarian, bookstore representative, or other advisor about what books you might want to read next for fun, you can give them a pretty good idea of your reading grade level and comprehension skill.


Then they can match you to the satisfying stories that will make your recreational reading time really great.


Just click on this link:



Reading Level Estimator

It's billed as a tool for parents and teachers alike who need to help children choose appropriate texts. Simply have a child read a sample passage and this web site teaches you how to estimate the student's reading level!


By Susan Darst Williams Reading © 2010

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