Writing: Ages 7-14
One Word, Nine Animals
Today's Snack: Considering that today's Treat has something to do
with animals, we have to have animal crackers! Enjoy with orange juice on ice.
whiteboard, or project this onto a big screen
As vocabulary words become more
complex in later grades of school, it is important to be able to "decode" long
strings of letters.
That takes visual practice. Kids who
learn to read with phonics have an advantage, because they can recognize
syllables that have distinct "beats," or accents. Kids whose reading
instruction was Whole Language - basically, silent sight reading - are at a
disadvantage. But you can always improve.
The best way to read long words is to (duhhh!) practice
reading them, until you aren't so intimidated by all those letters, and have
confidence that you can "get it."
Here's a fun exercise to help you:
List the names of nine animals in this nonsense word.
(Answers below)
(cow, owl, lamb, bunny,
snake, eel, cat, toad, dog)