Reading: Family
Word Chain Game
Today's Snack: Thread Cheerios onto a
long piece of string, tie it into a loop, and munch the cereal as you play this
game. Drink a glass of milk to go with.
Slips of scratch paper, about 1" x
6" | Markers
a goofy game you can play as a family. It's a great rainy day activity. See how
long of a paper chain you can make. Write a new word on each paper link, making
each new word different by just one letter. Can you make a chain of 30 words?
Fifty? One hundred?!?
you are finished, you can hang this chain over your kitchen table or in your
child's room. It will be a fun visual reminder of how words relate to one
might be best to start with a simple, three-letter word. For example, this word
chain's first few links are:
sip - lip - lit
- bit - bat . . . you could
follow with but and then bur and then bar and then par and then pat . . . and
so on.
older children, you can change the rules and allow words of any length, as long
as they relate to the word before and repeat at least some of those letters in
a new way. For example:
name - same - lame
- blame -
flame - fame
- fume - fuse -
use - us - bus
- bust - rust . . . and so on.