Reading: Poetry
Online Sources
Snack: Since we're exploring a LINK about poetry, why not brown two or
three breakfast sausage links in a small skillet? Slice in half lengthwise,
place on a toasted English muffin, top with a fried egg and maybe a slice of
cheese, pass under the broiler for a few seconds, and voila! Glorified Links
that make a hearty, delicious snack.
Go online to this
Often, the only thing holding you back from reading
poetry is that you don't know where to find it.
What could be easier than online?
Take a look at the poetry in this listing, choose a poem,
print it out, and read it aloud. If you're really ambitious, you could memorize
it, and say it to someone special.
You can use a search engine to find many more examples of
classic children's verse and make a collection of some of your favorites.